三が日も終わりますが今日も今日とてハリール・ジブラーンのThe Madmanを訳してきます。テキストは、我らが同胞Project Gutenberg Australia*1です。今日訳したのは'Crucified'という作品。マロン派のキリスト教徒に生まれながらも、ニーチェに傾倒し、独自の信仰を育んだ彼だからこそ書けた作品だと思います。正直言ってかなり難解で、ちゃんと理解して訳に反映できてるか心もとないっス(全部そうと言えばそうですが)。
I cried to men, “I would be crucified!”
And they said, “Why should your blood be upon our heads?”
And I answered, “How else shall you be exalted except by crucifying madmen?”
And they heeded and I was crucified. And the crucifixion appeased me.
And when I was hanged between earth and heaven they lifted up their heads to see me. And they were exalted, for their heads had never before been lifted.
But as they stood looking up at me one called out, “For what art thou seeking to atone?”
And another cried, “In what cause dost thou sacrifice thyself?”
And a third said, “Thinkest thou with this price to buy world glory?”
Then said a fourth, “Behold, how he smiles! Can such pain be forgiven?”
And I answered them all, and said:
“Remember only that I smiled. I do not atone--nor sacrifice--nor wish for glory; and I have nothing to forgive. I thirsted--and I besought you to give me my blood to drink. For what is there can quench a madman’s thirst but his own blood? I was dumb--and I asked wounds of you for mouths. I was imprisoned in your days and nights--and I sought a door into larger days and nights.
“And now I go--as others already crucified have gone. And think not we are weary of crucifixion. For we must be crucified by larger and yet larger men, between greater earths and greater heavens.”
四人目が言った。「見ろ、あいつ笑ってるぜ! あんな苦しみを赦せるのか?」
「これだけは覚えとけ。俺は笑ってたとな。俺は贖いもしないし、生贄を捧げもしないし、栄光を望みもしない。それに、俺には赦すべきものなんか何もない。俺は渇いた。どうか俺の血を飲ませてくれ。狂人の渇きをいやせるのは、自分の血以外にないだろ? 俺は口がきけなかった。だからお前らの傷に発言を求めたんだ。俺はお前らの昼と夜とに閉じ込められていた。だから、もっと大いなる昼と夜とに繋がる扉を探してたんだ」