

 じゃんじゃん行きますよー。ハリール・ジブラーンのThe Madmanのお時間です。テクストは皆大好きProject Gutenberg Australia*1です。今回お送りするのは'The Great Longing'ちう作品です。神話的で壮大ながら、恐らく思春期に誰もが抱いたであろう感情が描かれています。


The Great Longing

Here I sit between my brother the mountain and my sister the sea.

We three are one in loneliness, and the love that binds us together is deep and strong and strange. Nay, it is deeper than my sister’s depth and stronger than my brother’s strength, and stranger than the strangeness of my madness.

Aeons upon aeons have passed since the first grey dawn made us visible to one another; and though we have seen the birth and the fullness and the death of many worlds, we are still eager and young.

We are young and eager and yet we are mateless and unvisited, and though we lie in unbroken half embrace, we are uncomforted. And what comfort is there for controlled desire and unspent passion? Whence shall come the flaming god to warm my sister’s bed? And what she-torrent shall quench my brother’s fire? And who is the woman that shall command my heart?

In the stillness of the night my sister murmurs in her sleep the fire-god’s unknown name, and my brother calls afar upon the cool and distant goddess. But upon whom I call in my sleep I know not.

Here I sit between my brother the mountain and my sister the sea. We three are one in loneliness, and the love that binds us together is deep and strong and strange.






 俺たちは未熟だし満足できてない。なのに伴侶も、訪ねてくれる人もいない。俺たちはずっと、中途半端に抱き合ったままでいるが、慰められることはない。でも、管理された欲望や活かされぬ情熱に、何の慰めがあるっていうんだ? 我が姉妹の寝床を温めてくれる、燃え立つような色男は、どこから来てくれるんだ? 我が兄弟の火を消してくれる濁流のような女は、どんなひとなんだ? この心を支配してくれる女性は誰なんだ?

